March 2020 Update: Same as Everyone Else, Completely Terrible

March numbers: Personal: Gross monthly W2 pay: $5,375 Net monthly W2 pay: $3,616 Total credit card debt: $25,872 (+166) Total other non-mortgage debt: $10,036 (+574) Total mortgage debt: $155,188 (-$832) Cash/cash equivalents: $4,727 (-10,967) Total retirement savings: $118,391 (-$57,019) Non-Equity… Continue Reading

Rentals and My Why of FI

Looking to the future

Long before I discovered FI I did a calculation of when I could retire. Given my income and savings rate at that time, my retirement date was somewhere in my early 120’s. Clearly that was unacceptable, so I endeavored to… Continue Reading

January 2020 Update: Well, Crap…

January numbers: Personal: Gross monthly W2 pay: $5,375 Net monthly W2 pay: $3,387  Total credit card debt: $28,776 (+$3,994) Total other non-mortgage debt: $6,711 +$1,846) Total mortgage debt: $156,773 (+$2,165) Cash/cash equivalents: $14,696 (+$364) Total retirement savings: $171,127 (+$6,110) Non-Equity… Continue Reading

December 2019 Update: Lots of Moving Money!

December numbers: Personal: Gross monthly W2 pay: $5,375  Net monthly W2 pay: $3,387  Total credit card debt: $24,782 (+$4,484) Total other non-mortgage debt: $4,865 (-$3,937) Total mortgage debt: $154,608 (-$501) Cash/cash equivalents: $14,332 (+$586) Total retirement savings: $165,017 (+$3,763) Non-Equity… Continue Reading