May 2020: Stabilizing

May numbers:

  • Personal:
    • Gross monthly W2 pay: $5,375
    • Net monthly W2 pay: $3,616
    • Total credit card debt: $23,737 (+$1,125)
    • Total other non-mortgage debt: $9,358 (-$2,062)
    • Total mortgage debt: $153,516 (-$837)
    • Cash/cash equivalents: $5,923 (+$359)
    • Total retirement savings: $129,169 (+$768)
    • Non-Equity Net worth: $-51,519 (+$2,901)
    • Total Net Worth: $217,322

So this will be another short entry, because it’s so wildly late. Between working at home and upheaval in the world I haven’t had the energy to keep this up. In any case – here we go. 

Changes in debt between categories reflects a final refinancing of dollars to 0% offers for this half of 2020. Another slug of debt comes due in November, but everything else is 2021 so at least I’m stable for a bit. Declines in debt totals are a reflection of lower spending due to Illinois’ stay at home order. There also haven’t been any big house issues for a while – allowing me time to start re-building my contingency fund in my rental business account. 

Mortgage debt continues to decline with rental income, which is a relief after a challenging 2019. Cash and retirement are starting to inch back up, and hopefully the erosion in this area is done for a while. Net worth is still challenged, but I still have my job and my cash flows can support my businesses, so I feel better off than many, many people. I only hope it continues as it is my belief the economy is going to be severely challenged for years. 

So that’s it for May! Hopefully I’ll get my June update up quicker than I did this one. Good luck and stay safe everyone. 
