Affiliate Linking and You

So I’ve added an affiliate link page (here, or as a clickable link in the top tabs near the privacy policy) as well as google and Amazon ads. This is just another step along the path to financial independence and will hopefully cover the expenses for this site. Maybe even make some actual income one day (Le Gasp). 

A quick primer on affiliate links – these are simply links provided by vendors that will allow me to benefit if any of you lovely people sign up. Generally these will be services or products I already use that I think are a good value. I’m planning to someday do special posts on some of these (like the Chase Sapphire Rewards card for travel hacking, or Personal Capital for account aggregation). But until then I thought I’d throw everything on one page and see what sticks. 

Please feel free to click around the page and sign up for/order things! I’d appreciate it for sure, and post any questions or suggestions you might have.
