Monthly Update Post Schedule

Just a quick note about my post schedule for my monthly updates going forward. My prior job paid monthly, so it was very easy to ensure my payment hit before I posted an update to keep things consistent. Now, not so much.

I’m paid biweekly with this new position, so I won’t have as regular opportunities to make sure my payments hit all my debt accounts before I post. So, the hell with it. I’m planning to just update on/around the middle of the month (about the 15th or 16th) and post a day or so after that. I imagine that will lead to some wild fluctuations in balances as I can no longer post clean updates by ensuring pending payments will post prior to the update. Long term I don’t think that will make that big of a deal, but we’ll see. If you notice a change you don’t like, feel free to email or post some feedback and I’ll see what I can do.

In any case, hope you’re enjoying at least some of my drivel!
