I Am A Judgy McJudgyPants!

And so are you! It always happens, I see or read something that I disagree with “Ooooh, they budgeted a vacation before paying off their credit card debt? I don’t know that I would make that choice…” and you’re off to the races. It’s fine, it happens. We all create our own framework for the world and each person would do things slightly (or wildly) differently.

What I’ve found helpful, especially on this path to FI, is to acknowledge that impulse and recognize it in myself. Then I ask two questions – “Does this impact my life” and “Would my opinion or knowledge in this area be useful.” Generally the answer to both is a (sometimes emphatic) “No” and I just tango on. It has helped me focus on what I can do to support my own efforts – a good kind of internal focus – and limit the emotional chaff I get invested in. Anyway, hope it helps. Toodles!

This post inspired by this post. Sorry to the original authors for clucking my tongue and shaking my head in my original unconsidered reaction.
