March 2021: Better, Soon to be Worse

March numbers:

  • Personal:
    • Gross monthly W2 pay:  $5,375 (no change)
    • Net monthly W2 pay:  $3,373 (no change)
    • Total credit card debt:  $29,803 (-$2,942)
    • Total other non-mortgage debt:  $12,145 (-$937)
    • Total mortgage debt:  $145,011 (-$860)
    • Cash/cash equivalents:  $12,492 (+$211)
    • Total retirement savings:  $233,226 (+$32,834)
    • Non-Equity Net worth:  $58,760 (+$37,784)
    • Total Net Worth:  $404,783

Another short late update – numbers were pulled about a week and a half late. Not a super good or bad month except for retirement savings. Looks like I was wrong in the last post – those dividend landed after the February numbers were pulled. But, there was still significant growth in the specific holdings. Not something to expect going forward though. 

One note about Gamestop and WallStreetBets – they have started to notice NLY a little bit. I don’t think it has the potential to be the next big thing for many reasons, but more eyes on it might mean a little bit of a pop above where it ‘should’ be trading. 

Some big updates coming soon, so stay tuned. Fingers crossed I’ll post more regularly and get back to one a week for a while. 
